The ink raG

The ink raG
Mandala Tattoo Designs
The Allure of Mandala Tattoo Designs Mandalas have long been revered as intricate symbols of spirituality, balance, and harmony. Originating from ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions, the term "mandala" means "circle" in Sanskrit, but these designs often transcend...
Mother-Daughter Tattoos
Meaningful Designs to Celebrate Your Bond Mother-daughter tattoos are a beautiful way to honor a lifelong connection. At Electric Eye Tattoo, we love helping families express their unique stories through art. Whether you're looking for something small and subtle or a...
Sibling Tattoo Ideas
Sibling Tattoo Ideas Recently I had a few siblings come into the shop to get their birth years and order tattooed on themselves. This made me remember a conversation that I had about getting sibling tattoos with my brother and sister. I still like the idea we had...
New Tattoo Techniques
Amazing New Tattoo Techniques in 2022 Getting tattooed has thankfully become extremely common and lost it's stigma that only criminals and bikers get them. Personally we have tattooed everyone from police to soccer moms. It is a very personal decision, and it should...
Flower Tattoos
Lets Talk Flowers Oh yes, we know you love your flowers. Flower tattoos are one of the most popular tattoos. Right up there with skulls and scripts. So many people want them, and equally don't know which flowers they want. Yes, some may have personal and private...
Preparing For A Tattoo
Preparing For A Tattoo Maybe it's just a recent thing, but lately I have been having to ask my clients more and more if they have completed certain things before coming to the shop. There seems to be an influx of people getting their first tattoo and not knowing...
Tattoo Placement
Proper Tattoo Placement Ah, the tattoo. Once a sign of rebellion, deviance, and defiance, it is now highly regarded as a form of self expression and memory. In fact, nearly 50% of the population has at least one tattoo. In the last two weeks I alone gave several...
How To Plan A Tattoo Sleeve
How To Plan A Sleeve "Bro, how much for a sleeve?", "Well, I'm thinkin I wanna get a whole sleeve, ya know?" These and similar questions can be the bane of an artist's existence. So let me lay some knowledge on you about how to strategically plan a tattoo sleeve. So...
Most Painful Tattoo Places
Most Painful Places To Get Tattooed Well, we already told you that it hurts to get tattooed. And one of the questions we get asked frequently is, "where does it hurt the most?" To which we often give you a smartass answer and say, "Texas." However we are going to...
Tattooing: A Brief History
The History Of Tattooing... Ok Well Not All Of It As cool as it would be to sit here and tell you the entire back story to tattoos, (and tattoos on backs HAHA! See what I did there?) it would take far too long. But tattooing itself does have some very awesome...